A Cambridge Back Garden Wedding

A Marquee Garden Wedding in Cambridgeshire

Rhiannon and Henry married in their local church in Cambridge and had a wonderful back garden wedding reception at the family home.

Rhiannon and Henry live in Norfolk but Rhiannon did her growing up in Cambridge and they both met at the University of Cambridge and so, it made the perfect backdrop for their wedding celebrations.

Amazing photographer (and photographs) for an amazing day! The photos were EXACTLY what we wanted and I never stop looking at them. It was an intimate affair and that wholly rings true with your approach. Thank you again!

I joined the girls first thing, while the final touches were being made to the marquee and everyone busied around getting ready! I love this part of the day, it's always a great way for me to get to know some of the wedding party and since spirits are high, it's always a good laugh.

I drove the short journey to join Henry and his ushers at the Church and I took the opportunity to capture some candid photos of the meeting and greeting.

Inside the church, as the wedding guests waited for the brides arrival, I nipped in and out to watch and wait for the arrival of a beautiful vintage wedding car. The acoustics in the church were unbelievable and the organ and choir were a treat. I wept when they sang Calon Lân, not least because of my welsh roots but because the music were so achingly beautiful!

The service too was wonderful, with some lovely readings and you could feel the love that Henry and Rhiannon's friends and family have for them both. After the register was signed and it was all made official, the new Mr and Mrs came down the aisle and back outside where we took some quick portraits before the rain came. It came and went though and it certainly didn't get in the way of the party.

An all round perfect day, it was a joy to be a part of. If you're looking for a wedding photographer in Cambridge then take a look at this little selection and get in touch


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