The shortest distance between two people | Norfolk Wedding Photographer
UK Wedding Photographer
I’ve been to many a wedding, both professionally and personally. There are often tears, laughter and of course, tears of laughter and sometimes it’s not just me. ;-)The late comedian and musician, Victor Borge once said, “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” When you laugh with someone it brings you closer together. I think this is why everyone loves a wedding, family and friends coming together to celebrate and share in the joy; it’s very rare to see a grumpy face in the crowd on a wedding day.Wedding celebrations are infectious and I never grow bored of seeing people smiling, laughing, or, dabbing away at their eye with a handkerchief (ok…so I saw a handkerchief once but still...!). These are most often my favourite images to capture and on this cold, grey Monday morning, I thought I'd share a few. I hope they might bring a smile to your face…enjoy!